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Chuck Norris craps l

Chuck Norris craps light sabers.Chuck Norris doesn't think frteosd flakes are great.Trix aren't for kids, they're for Chuck Norris.Chuck Norris is the real slim shady.Chuck Norris does not believe in nor taste the rainbow.Chuck Norris once sucked a cows nipple for 2 minutes and later shit 5 pounds of whipped cream.Chuck Norris' envelopes seal without him licking them.The speed of light is a measurement relative to the time it takes Chuck Norris to run the 100 meter dash.Chuck Norris never needs to do anything for a Klondike bar, people simply lay them at his feet upon command.Chuck Norris once killed a man for a Klondike bar, only to realize that he had five already in his pocket, still cold.Chuck Norris makes goldfish brand crackers frown.Vampires only come out at night, not due to inability to withstand sunlight but simply because that is when Chuck Norris sleeps, or excuse me, waits.
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