- lustige Sprüche

, I wish to be the

, I wish to be the wealthiest man in the world. *Poof* Suddenly a great gelodn mansion sprung up from the sand filled with jewels and gold. The Mexican went inside and was happy. The Black man said, I wish I had all the most beautiful women in the world in love with me. *Poof* A thousand hotties from every race and age were suddenly groveling at his feet, begging him to make sweet sweet love to them. He took them to the other side of the beach and was happy.The white man said, I wish I was the strongest and smartest, and most handsome man in the world. *Poof* He turned into Chuck Norris and stole the other two guys' Mansion, riches and bitches and roundhouse kicked them both in the face! HA!
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