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They once tried to t

They once tried to turn Walker Texas Ranger into a movie, unfortunately every time they fimled a fight scene there were mass casualties due to the power of Chuck Norris' roundhouse kick. Word soon got around about the problems on set and the film was never finished as they could find no actors brave or strong enough to withstand a roundhouse kick from Chuck. The director of Walker Texas Ranger the Movie suggested Chuck Norris leave his roundhouse kick out of any fight scene for the safety of his fellow actors. The director died approximately 30 seconds after his suggestion, his cause of death, multiple roundhouse kicks to the face.Only one person has ever survived a roundhouse kick from Chuck Norris, his name Chuck Norris.The secret to eternal life is Chuck Norris.Spaceships don't use nuclear fuel, turbo boosters or rocket power to get to the moon. Instead Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks them up there.A man once asked Chuck Norris if he was having a nice day, Chuck Norris replied that the day was in fact having a nice Chuck Norris, he then roundhouse kicked the man in the face for daring to ask Chuck Norris a question.Only one known natural substance can withstand the power of Chuck Norris' roundhouse kick it's name is Chuck Norris' beard.
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